Tuesday, July 21, 2009


My Control Tech teacher introduced me to an operating system called Sugar. When I first went on Sugar, I thought it was going to be a boring program because of its looks, as I am used to operating systems like Windows Vista and XP. But after looking at the activities, Sugar is actually quite interesting and fun. There are alot of interesting activities on it like word doc, the internet, fun games and other stuff. My favourite activity is the physics game. The aim of the game is basically nothing, because the only thing you do is jus make shapes and build stuff. You can also click n shapes to fling them around. I made a cool game out of it using rectangles, circles and lines, the aim of my game is to throw teh ball in to the goal. Sugar isn't a very common used operating system, as most people use Windows XP and Vista. Sugar is a program used in the OLPC XO-1 laptop. The OLPC XO-1 is a laptop which is given to poor children in other countries to use in school and home. The reason why they use the operating system Sugar instead of Windows is because Sugar is a simple operating system to use, unlike Windows. On May 21 2008, XO-2 was invented. The XO-2 is a much more advanced netbook as it can be used as a book. You can open the net book as a book and it becomes a touch screen. So Sugar is an interesting and fun operating system to use, but I would rather stick to Windows XP and Vista.

1 comment:

  1. very impressed by your research for a first impressions post, particularly that you have discovered the plans for xo-2 and have some pictures of it
